Friday, July 6, 2012

The purpose of life...

During the years of my spiritual journey within myself I have contemplated many things. I suppose my mind is very philosophical in the way I process big questions such as infinity, consciousness, and the universe in general. So upon this roller coaster of ups and downs I would sometimes feel very enlightened, and then sometimes feel very small and insignificant when questioning the universe, and of course the all popular question "what is my purpose?" If the universe is so huge, and goes on infinitely, then what does my tiny little speck of a life matter?

This is very abstract, one of my beliefs is that the universe expands infinitely outwards, and also infinitely inwards, which I will leave for another topic, but with that being said, I believe that the earth, and the solar system itself could potentially be just looping systems within each other. Take this photo to the right for example. The image of a brain cell and an image of the universe. Very similar, but one is a much larger scale compared with the other. 

So now lets look at our own bodies. Just one human body is made up of trillions and trillions of individual cells. Each tiny cell is an individual compartment of life, living and working together within a community of other individual living cells. Each cell needs to metabolize energy, to excrete waste products, and to perform its "job." Each type of cell has a different type of job to perform, the heart cells, the liver cells, the skin cells of your body are all working together to keep you alive. If you didn't have them, you would no longer be in existence. 

Now if one day each of your cells looked at each other and said, "you know I am pretty bored of life, I don't do anything except exist and perform each of these tasks everyday, I think I will just die now" Then obviously the result would be you dying. However these cells just keep on living, and keeping you alive. Each cell in your body keeps on living, without knowing its purpose for doing so. They don't know that they are the reason that this magnificent person is able to sit here and read this right now. They do this with no knowledge or motivation. If you look at it on this scale, perhaps you are serving your purpose on some scale that you are unaware of. Maybe you just existing doing what you are doing is enough. There doesn't need to be any reason that you have to know about to continue existing. If you let go of this nagging question seeking out your purpose in life, then perhaps you can begin to just focus on today, and live to enjoy life every day. Do things that make you happy, laugh and smile and don't worry about why you're doing it other than to pass time in the most fulfilling way possible for you.

The world is interpreted through our sensory organs. Sight, smell, taste, touch, sound. Your eyes don't see images, they interpret the reflecting waves of light off of objects. These waves pass into your eye and you see an image that is put together within your brain. Everything you see, is not tangible, it is just light waves. When you smell something, you don't actually smell anything, small particles bond to the inside of your nostrils and sends signals to your brain. Same with taste, it is all just chemical signals to your brain. When we feel things and electrical signal is sent from to nerve ending to the brain. All sounds are just patters of sound waves vibrating the inside of your ear, which again sends this information to your brain. We are the only living beings on this planet that have to luxury to manipulate our own reality. We can take light waves and create art so that our visual stimulus is receiving great pleasure from what we are seeing. We create soft materials to feel against our skin, beautiful music that makes us feel amazing inside. We have hundreds of different recipes and wonderful smells that we as humans get to experience. Every sensory organ that we experience reality has the option of taking in very pleasurable experiences, that a mammal living in the forest doesn't have the option of experiencing. 

We don't need a freaking purpose to life when we create everything for ourselves. Even our own mindset. You can choose to be miserable, or choose not to be, either way it is all up to you. If you are at a point where you are sick of the artificial stimulus that we create, then take yourself back to nature and reconnect with the earth. In reality it could be this artificial stimuli that creates such questions as what is my purpose? You never see a lion wondering what it's purpose is. Sometimes intelligence is a curse....and with that I am now ranting, and I will leave it at that. 



  2. That was wonderfully written...contemplating the universe has always been one of my favorite activities :)

  3. Very thought provoking. I like the brain/universe graphic. Saw that recently. I probably need this right now. Enjoy the reality around me! While I or you still can. Who knows what's next?

    What perhaps will you need beyond that though? It is interesting to me that you initially post about spiritual journey, but then the rest, to me, has very little to do with spirituality. The five sensory organs you describe refer to what modern science describes how we perceive our current known reality. Our mind and body. But there is perhaps a third link that is often argued about. The spirit. What is spirit? Is there a spirit? Chakras? A sixth sense? Seventh sense? How many senses are there, and how many people have awaken them within and who are they? Shamans? Popes? The stuff we can't explain right now with modern science, but many people swear it's there without seeing it. They feel it, perhaps within, not with their skin. Traditionally, religion has been the source of information for this realm. But the details are very different from one another. So we often argue, fight, and kill for what we think is right. Christians vs Jews vs Muslims, etc. Yet, even today, right now, modern science is starting to wake up to the idea, but perhaps they don't really get it yet. Psychicist theorized 50+ years ago about it, and recently found that indeed there is a particle that creates and connects everything. "A field" as they call it. Some call it the "God Particle" but others argue about even the specifics of the name. What is it? Is it JUST science? OR something more then that, that spiritual people have been talking about? How will it be used? I don't really know, but I can speculate. Buddhism probably got it best so far, be at peace and harmony with all things in our universe, because we are all one. What are you one with? Just yourself and your physical reality?

  4. I don’t know how often you review what people send to you. So I will try to convey a message of delight to you. I'm sure you see that people are encouraged by what you write and say. Some may say you are a great writer. For me I feel that what you write is warm and somewhat witty and funny. Most of all you can connect with people on many levels.
    I stumbled on to your writing and am very glad to have managed this off the track adventure. Since arriving at your words and thought I am hooked. I can relate to what you are sending out and thinking. I often find myself asking the same questions.
    I served in Combat six tours, with in the 22 years that I served as a Marine. Throughout my time there I have had plenty of time to think of many things. My thoughts are as though you taped into my mind and understand what I am all about. With that said you are a unique person with life to live many times over.
    What I feel from what I read of your writings is that you are an old sole. Not and old person but an old sole for living many lives over and over. You have been throughout time and are part of time of the past.
    Your world is of many worlds and are of many times. I like how you can share your thought form your heart and of the times of the past. You being of an old soul and of time will have many lives to live and continuing to do what you do forever, this many seem to be a lone time. That can explain the social awkwardness. Your time is of not this time but of all time mixed into now.
    I hope to be able to stay in contact with you and that is all up to you as you control what you do. Your mind is a beautiful thing, thank you for sharing it with the world. I want to hear from you for a very long time and into the next world to come. Gunny

  5. Awesome insight. The purpose of life is to live.
