Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sugar zombie woman...and chocolate, DON'T FORGET THE CHOCOLATE!!

So I actually have a pretty healthy diet. I don't eat fast food, and tend to shop on the outer edges of the grocery store (that's where they keep the fresh food for anyone who doesn't know). I didn't always have such a healthy diet, used to be boxed hamburger helper, roman noodles, and taco bell. It is quite a challenge sometimes switching your diet to a healthier lifestyle. Less convenient, more clean up, and not quite as tasty (at first). Although I have accomplished this diet change, I just can't quite seem to shake my sugar addiction! I love sweets, cakes, cookies, chocolate, candies, ice cream....Mmmm! Now this wouldn't be such a bad thing if I didn't actually turn into a zombie over this stuff. Once I see it, I can't think about anything else but eating it. It is almost as if I have an instinct to kill, kill those sweets, all of them, and don't stop until they are gone. No sweet left standing here! So when I get a thing of chocolate, or candies, they don't last more than 20 minutes, and I feel so sick after! Sugar rush from hell!! I one time bought 5 bags of Reisens because they were on sale...they only lasted 3 days...(hangs head in shame)
Now after this Reisen incident, I decided I needed to take action, and quit sweets. Now you know that whole damned human instinct that ALWAYS wants what you can't have. Well having that instinct mixed with the addiction on top of it can actually put the anti sweet thing on your brain like a crack addict. Now, I don't want to lessen the severity of a crack addiction or anything, but I would gather that it was similar to something like this. I couldn't stop thinking of how bad I needed a candy, a cookie, anything, let me stick my damn finger in a sugar jar, for god's sake just let me have some!!! Now, I did it for a few days, eventually I blew it all off, but I tried. 

Here is the problem, unlike breaking an addiction to a heavy drug, sweets are being waved in my face every couple of hours! Everywhere I drive, the radio, we even have a damn lady who walks around the neighborhood and comes into my work carrying her basket of delicious freshly backed cookies. I don't know about crack, but I don't see billboards and radio ads talking about how nice this crack will feel once you get some in you. You for damn sure don't have a neighborhood lady carrying around her basket of drugs just casually popping in the door and shoving the temptation right in your face! She walks by and I can feel the chemicals in my brain start instantly turning into the sugar crazed zombie calling out to that delicious snack. 

Anyways, that is my sugar rant, I will defeat this eventually!!


  1. Hahaha this is awesome! I definitely feel like this too sometimes. I too don't know what crack is like but you're right, it's got to be easier to kick the habit considering the advertisement team for crack is much less prevalent.
    And great pictures! They go along great with this post! That second one in particular, where did that come from?

  2. I was this very same way before a year and a half ago I managed to get off processed sugars. Yep, I did it. For the past year + i have not had any cookies, cup cakes, ice cream or any sugar and flour products. I do eat fruit and love them very much. I also eat dates and almond butter, yummy. All I know is you can do it. The benefits of having a clear mind are tremendous.

    For many months I missed ice cream but I don't any more. The most difficult part has been peoples reactions when I say "no thank you, I'm not having any cake". People look at me like I have shit on my face. I got help when I got of sugar. There was no other way.

    Thank you for this honest blog. I really appreciate your journey.
