Thursday, February 7, 2013

Saying goodbye

You always want to say goodbye to a loved one, get your closure. Be able to say goodbye to them, you love them, you will miss them when they are gone, give them one last hug.  However the closure is always most important within your own self. They knew you loved them, they didn't need that one last chat. You feel like that would have given you the chance to get closure with their death, but it wouldn't have. Losing a soul you love is painful. We as humans, imprint on one another and grow attachments and closeness to others.So when you lose someone that has affected a part of your heart, it hurts, and it is hard to realize why it is happening.

When someone dies, they are essentially gone in our modern day human comprehensions. If you learn to open yourself up to the universe and understand how energies work, then you will see they are not actually gone. Energy in all forms is a transferable thing. It comes in sources of heat, chemical, waves, and they are all used to convert it into new energy forms. As a human, with feelings and emotions, we are affected by death in the sense that it hurts our hearts very much, and we feel emptiness in place of that person. When a person dies, they are sacrificing their life, to give their energy to the universe. This energy is used by the rest of all living things. Immediately when a person dies, all that love that person and are directly in that persons life are affected. Their life is forever changed by the death. They took their life, and exploded their energy out into the universe like a super nova. This energy is directed immediately to their loved ones. Perhaps this initiates a great change within a loved one who needed a blast of this energy to wake up, and realize that life is precious and not to be wasted. That all your decisions affect your fragile life. To make sure that you do not waste this gift of time you have to mold the future of the universe. This energy is then dispersed by you to others, such as a lover, or a coworker, or a homeless man on the street.

I am not saying that this is how death works for everyone, or that it is how it should work. I am saying that for me, with my beliefs, I feel that this is the best way to utilize and make sure that you carry on that persons energy. They gifted you with their energy through their death. What you do with that gift is entirely up to you. You can waste it, or you can make the world better, or even simply your own life.

I lost my father at 18. It was actually the greatest gift that he has given me aside from my own life. When he passed away, he opened my eyes to so much of the world, that had he not sacrificed his soul, I may not have ever been able to see. I miss him terribly, but I know why he is gone. I understand the purpose of him passing. I would not be able to write this and understand what a gift people are giving to you when they pass on. They are still with you, living on through you, and the lives of all that they touched.

Be sure to live each day with the full intention to enjoy it. Minimize feelings that bring you unhappiness. Life is full of negative and positive energies. We of course need both to stay balanced, but you choose which side of the line you want to tread on. 


  1. Great blog. I lost my father a little less than three months ago and it's been very difficult for me. I feel him everywhere and although I didn't get that last conversation, we both knew how strong our bond was. It's weird because I think even when I'm 80 I'll still think he's going to walk into a room and say hi. People never really leave you.

  2. Death is all around us when we are born we are on the way to our death. So we should not be frightened many are, yet life continues to move on each and every one of us eventually will meet our end. Just as you say we are energy you are so right in that everyone and everything is energy. The energy that we are continues and goes on and on.
    I like what you write, so thank you for what you write and how you write keep it up and I will continue to read what you write.
