Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Beliefs are nothing to be proud of....

People are under the impression that the beliefs they hold are something to be cherished and held onto tightly. And as I write this, technically my disbelief's in beliefs are not correct if we are to give anything I have to say any credibility (If that even makes sense). Let me explain a little better....

In life we are born, as an infant helpless and at the mercy of our caretakers, we begin taking in information from the world. The very beginning of our formation of opinions. As we age, our parents hold a large influence of our opinions. Then our teachers, and then inevitably our peers, who don't forget, have gotten their opinions from their parents and teachers, not themselves. Then you exit school into the real world. I would assume that is when people really begin to find themselves, but that seems to also be a time when people start to deeply root themselves into what they want to view the world as. Some stuck with their parents beliefs, some went completely against, but it seems many people just seem to stop and just deep root themselves. They become proud. Proud of their political views, religious, and over all outlook on people, and the world. They become proud, and sadly that is not a good thing. They forget that the world keeps on going. With this pride, comes an easily bruised ego at any debate in their internal person. This is WHO they are. This is in my opinion when someone becomes their most weak minded. They close their mind. Close mindedness. The possibility that there is actually more than you can possibly know is closed out. They forget that their are hundreds and hundreds of things out there just waiting to keep opening doors into the universe. But they have slammed the door on it before it even had a chance to show the real beauty. That is why I believe your beliefs should be held lightly, they should be adaptable, to show you a new world and allow you to keep improving life at every chance.

No great scientist ends his studies with "Oh great we figured that out, now this is my belief, my work here is done" New knowledge is always a constant flood, replacing new with old. When you take one belief and hold onto it tightly, you stop yourself from progressing in life. Life is constantly changing. The only thing constant in life is change. To hold on tightly to your proud viewpoint, means you are scared, scared of the inevitable changes that life with bring whether you are willing to accept it or not. We are proven wrong all the time in science, and religion, and life itself.

I am aware of my statement being completely contradictory to say, I believe beliefs are bad. No real meaning has to even be given to it. Some people are completely ok with living with their blinders on. And  that is ok.

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