Monday, April 5, 2010

My First Lucid Dream

I have had one previously, it was years ago, but I don't remember it any longer. So i will count this one as my first.

I had been asleep all night and then woke up for 2 hours chatting with a friend. Went back to sleep for 2 hours and this is when my dream happened. Since I am writing about it from a few weeks ago the details aren't as clear. But I do remember what sparked it for me to realize I was dreaming. I saw my tattoo on my back and it was different than the real one I have. I was confused and trying to think about how it was different cause I couldn't remember getting it changed. And then I said, "wait I am in a dream" As soon as I said that it was like a curtain pulled across the scenery and I was no longer looking at my body but looking out from my body. It felt almost like I was in a new video game body trying to control it. It was hard to stay asleep and not forget I was sleeping. Almost like I needed to practice staying asleep. I remembered that Dave had told me to call if I got lucid and that might help him pull into my dream. And OV and I had tried to do it a couple of times. I tried to call OV but when I looked at my phone it wouldn't work and I didn't know his phone number so I couldn't get ahold of him. So then I was in a warehouse and I saw a landline, so I went over to it and dialed Dave, I still couldn't get a tone. So I gave up. He did appear, but he was just a lifeless blob standing there unresponsive. I later found out that he was awake, which means I possibly did see him, but since he was awake he can't see me. There were about 5 old men in this warehouse and I was amazed by the detail I could see on their faces and then I grabbed their hands and looked over them and could see every wrinkly in them. It was like a new world I was looking at. I think after that I lost control of the dream and forgot that I was dreaming.

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