Monday, August 6, 2012

Bee may be fuzzy but they are NOT cuddly

I have had this life long fear of bees. It's not like an actual phobia, more like one of those really annoying fears that makes you scream as if you are being murdered, but is slightly more annoying, so people just look at you like you are the idiot chick who screams at retarded things. Now it is mostly a case where I don't like when they get near me, I can see them flying around and appreciate that they are so cute and fuzzy, but they always just feel like flying right at my face. I don't do the calm hold still thing very well, I do the scream and flail method by instinct.

So one day I am taking a shower. I jump out and grab my towel and start drying myself off. I get my arms, move down my tummy, and lean over to start drying off my legs. I stand up, and come face to face with a bee...locked in the bathroom with me....blocking the door. It was as if he were some sort of guard bee shouting "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!" He is literally just suspended in mid air looking me right in the face. Now I don't work well under pressure, or adrenaline. It's as if my brain freezes up and I forget that I am a human and I can think rationally. I do the first thing that pops into my head; I hold the towel up in front of me as if I can use it as a shield against his stare down. I realize he is blocking my exit, and start to panic. What am I going to do!? I am stuck behind this makeshift towel barrier and he is going to bust through it any moment! Well I quickly realize the only way to escape was to cover his head. So I throw the towel up and forward to try to catch him under. This is when things sped up for me. I did the whole shriek and flailing arms thing out of the bathroom. My sister is sitting on the couch in the living room reading her book peacefully. Then I run across the room, nude while screaming and flailing my arms back and forth as if I was in a bad horror film. Ya I was that chick.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Umm weird cat lady anyone?

So the other night I am chatting with my friend on the phone. He asks what am I going to do for the night. I have been avoiding going out lately, but kind of felt like I wanted a drink, so I ask him to hang out with me on Skype while I get drunk (he lives in another country). It happened to be 5:30 in the morning, much different to the time it was for me, about 9:30 pm. As I am talking to him, I am laughing at my two cats, and begin taking pictures of them. Now I am really getting into this night, I settle in with a drink, slightly bummed he was going to sleep, I started to accept this as my cats were getting more and more entertaining to follow around with a camera.

He then lays it on me, no mercy here. "Soooo you're just going to sit at home alone getting drunk and take pictures of your"

Oh god!! Is this true!? I mean when you put it that way....Shit! I was sitting at home, alone, about to get drunk and take pictures of my cats!! 

The start of life...

So when one thinks about conception, or at least when I thought about conception, I would think about the fact that the sperm unites with the egg, and a baby is created. A living creature begins to grow inside the mothers belly. Now this is obvious, it is not like I am telling you anything that is not apparent when you learned that the stork wasn't actually dropping children from great heights. So you think about the point of conception, the sperm implants the egg, and the egg begins dividing into trillions of individual cells creating a baby thing :)

This is what blew my mind about this thought, you as a person, a human being, began as two seperate living cells. You are made up of DNA from your mother's egg, your father's sperm. They come together and create you. You are not just an egg, and you are not just a sperm, you are both of these two individual cells. Now the thing that I found to be so crazy, was each of these were at one point living cells, inhabiting two different spaces, living independently of one another. Each was an actual living cell. So that means since you are both the egg and the sperm, and both of them were alive before you, then at one point in time, you, or what you are made up of, was alive in two different points. In two separate places. You have been alive in two different places at the same time before you were born. Obviously it wasn't you before the conception, but you are both of them.

I guess my point is just to really realize and think about the fact that you were somewhere in two places at once before you were made.

It does bring up the weird abstract question of when does the "soul" or the consciousness actually enter the body, you are the consciousness, so does that mean that any conscious part of these two individual cells just dies, or does it merge with yours.


I will never know enough about the abstract questions of life!